I've received a few requests for this over the past few months so here it is! A working, automatic cactus farm! Simple and effective, just the way I like it! Let's make THE MINECRAFT FILES the most popular Minecraft series on YouTube! Leave as many LIKES and COMMENTS relating to the video content as possible!!! Texture Pack: bit.ly Contact me: fanmail@chimneyswift11.com Minecraft Files Intro Song: www.youtube.com _______________ My Other Channels ChimneyVlogs - www.youtube.com CS11Gaming - www.youtube.com CS11Scrolls - www.youtube.com Follow me on twitter: www.twitter.com LIKE on Facebook: facebook.com Q&A: www.youtube.com E-mail: fanmail@chimneyswift11.com
Tags: the, minecraft, files, the minecraft files, chimneyswift11, chimneyswift, chimney, swift, building, cactus, farm, automatic cactus farm, cacti, sand, shovel, digging, wooden, steps, water, survival, notch, adventure