วันศุกร์ที่ 27 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

吳克羣《胡鬧》Official 完整版MV [HD]

吳克羣《胡鬧》Official 完整版MV [HD][Video] Video Clips. Duration : 6.27 Mins.

《胡鬧》 詞曲/ 演唱:吳克羣。導演:比爾賈夜裡太黑喝的太醉醉了卻更清楚真偽手機裡面多少曖昧卻不知道該撥給誰所以狂歡所以胡鬧因為自己不敢面對面對天黑面對心碎面對一床空的棉被我唱破喉嚨想驅走寂寞滋味試著喝醉痲痹所有感覺但是寂寞就像輪迴輪迴著一遍一遍到最後誰都逃不掉我徹夜胡鬧跟寂寞胡鬧我知道我自己有多渺小我不再重要有多麼重要用酒精稀釋我的無聊我多無聊所以狂歡所以胡鬧因為自己不敢面對面對天黑面對心碎面對一床空的棉被我唱破喉嚨想驅走寂寞滋味試著喝醉痲痹所有感覺但是寂寞就像輪迴輪迴著一遍一遍到最後誰都逃不掉我徹夜胡鬧跟寂寞胡鬧我知道我自己有多渺小我不再重要有多麼重要用酒精稀釋我的無聊我徹夜胡鬧跟寂寞胡鬧我想要忘卻都忘不了你多麼重要對我多重要曾經握住的我卻放掉我多可笑我徹夜胡鬧跟寂寞胡鬧我知道我自己有多渺小我不再重要有多麼重要用酒精稀釋我的無聊我徹夜胡鬧跟寂寞胡鬧我想要忘卻都忘不了你多麼重要對我多重要曾經握住的我卻放掉我多可笑吳克羣剖心寂寞首波主打【胡鬧】首播資訊7月4日Hitfm全球首播7月6日中華、遠傳電信鈴聲下載吳克羣【胡鬧】鈴聲代碼712709 7月6日Omusic獨家搶先聽music.fetnet.net 7月9日MTV台、奇摩音樂、吳克羣Facebook粉絲專頁MV首播www.facebook.com 吳克羣2012全新專輯【寂寞來了怎麼辦】 預購豪華贈品[寂寞手錶] (紅/藍/黑/白)四色隨機出貨7/11開始預購。7/28全境擴散預購請洽詢7-11與各大唱片行 吳克羣【胡鬧】鈴聲代碼712709來電答鈴下載方式: 中華用戶:手機直撥760→按1→輸入代碼,即可完成台哥大用戶:手機直撥803→按4→輸入代碼,即可完成大眾用戶:手機直撥500→按1→輸入代碼,即可完成威寶用戶:手機直撥700→按4→輸入代碼,即可完成亞太用戶:手機直撥560→按2→按6選擇快速點歌→輸入代碼,即可完成遠傳用戶:請上 ...

Keywords: 吳克羣吳克群Kenji, kenjiwu, 胡鬧寂寞寂寞來了怎麼辦首波官方版offical, MV, 比爾賈Bounce, Bill, 撿屍醉漢癡漢撞門夜店pub, HD, HQ, 音樂music, video, KPOP, Seedmusic, SEED, 種子Kmajor

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 26 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Classic Game Room - PANASONIC 3DO animate analysis archetypal FZ-1

Classic Game Room - PANASONIC 3DO animate analysis archetypal FZ-1[Video] Video Clips. Duration : 5.67 Mins.

Panasonic 3DO review. Classic Game Room reviews the PANASONIC 3DO video game console model FZ-1 released in 1993. The Panasonic 3DO has an awesome library of video games like Road Rash, Myst and Novastorm but unfortunately was released with a 0 price tag in the early 90's, yikes! Failure in the marketplace followed but the awesome games still arrived on the Panasonic 3DO. Panasonic 3DO video review features Panasonic 3DO model FZ-1 (as well as comparison shot vs. model FZ-10). Prone to breakage and difficult to repair, the Panasonic 3DO is for serious collectors looking to relive the early 90's in style with some awesome games.

Tags: PANASONIC, 3DO, console, review, model, FZ-1, Panasonic 3DO, reviews, video review, Panasonic 3DO review, hardware, games, list, collection, works, break, FZ-10, cd, tray, not, work, broken, fix, drive, read, error, s-video, SNK, FMV, EA, Electronic arts, shooters, shooter, racing, driving, collect, reviewed

วันพุธที่ 25 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

IGDaily - Assassin's Creed 3 Co-Op? @ GDC 2012 - 3/6/12

IGDaily - Assassin's Creed 3 Co-Op? @ GDC 2012 - 3/6/12[Video] Video Clips. Duration : 10.75 Mins.

www.youtube.com Click here to watch IGDaily - Halo 4 Gameplay @ GDC 2012 - 3/5/12 IGDaily - Assassin's Creed 3 Co-Op? @ GDC 2012 - 3/6/12 It's day two of GDC in beautiful San Francisco. See what Adam and Matt have uncovered as the conference unfolds. Warfighter Trailer: www.insidegamingdaily.com Best Video Ever: www.youtube.com Mass Effect 3 Review: www.youtube.com Previously On Mass Effect: www.youtube.com Vessel: www.insidegamingdaily.com Port Royale 3: www.insidegamingdaily.com IG Newsletter: www.insidegamingdaily.com IG Blog blog.machinima.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This video will show you... HOW TO: See some leakage HOW TO: Lick your lollipop HOW TO: Fight wars as a fighter - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: www.youtube.com TAGS: Machinima MACHIGDaily MACHMassEffect MACHMassEffect3 MACHMedalOfHonorWarfighter MACHLollipopChainsaw MACHBlacklightRetribution MACHHalo4 MACHAssassin'sCreed3 MACHXCOM "Jared Gerritzen" "Suda 51" "Adam Kovic" "Matt Dannevik" "GDC 2012" "Game Developers Conference" "San Francisco" "First Person Shooter" "Video Gaming Convention" "Video Game" "Video Games" "Mass Effect 3 Game Review"

Keywords: Machinima, machigdaily, machmasseffect, machmasseffect3, machmedalofhonorwarfighter, machlollipopchainsaw, machblacklightretribution, machhalo4, machassassin'screed3, MACHXCOM, Jared Gerritzen, Suda 51, Adam Kovic, Matt Dannevik, GDC 2012, Game Developers Conference, San Francisco, First Person Shooter, Video Gaming Convention, Video Game, Video Games, Mass Effect 3 Game Review

วันอังคารที่ 24 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

蔡健雅Tanya Chua " Key to Happiness " 官方MV (Official Music Video)

蔡健雅Tanya Chua " Key to Happiness " 官方MV (Official Music Video)[Video] Tube. Duration : 3.88 Mins.

英文創作專輯《Just Say So》試聽與介紹:goo.gl Tanya Facebook:goo.gl KKBOX:goo.gl 博客來:goo.gl Buy on iTunes:goo.gl Key To Happiness Music & Lyrics: Tanya Chua All Guitars & Keys: Whynot Jansveld Bass: Whynot Jansveld Drums: Rich Mercurio All vocals: Tanya Chua Mixed by: Richard Furch for eMixing.com Mastered by: Gavin Lurssen @ Lurssen Mastering Assisted by: Reuben Cohen You're losing your mind Everything seems to be falling apart Tears trapped in your eyes You swallow them down to fill up your heart But take a look around You don't have to feel down Happiness is round the corner Savor all the sweetness Lose all your bitterness Maybe that's the key to happiness (You'll find that's the key to happiness) Yeah yeah Shake off some saltiness Bear with the sourness That's half of the key to happiness Key to happiness You're dying inside Like a flower that's been kept in the dark Empty is your soul Nothing's working to fill it up enough Though fuck ups are abound There is still hope somehow So let it surround you baby But don't side step it There's no detour round it Bet you've been scratching your head But why side step it When there's a road ahead There's a big sign pointing to it 中文翻譯歌詞: 幸福的秘訣當思緒紛亂世界猶如瓦解崩塌淚不停打轉好像把心都淹滿但環顧四周你其實不必沮喪因為幸福就在下個轉角處品味所有甜美拋去所有苦澀或許這就是幸福的秘訣(你會發現那就是幸福的祕訣) 甩開過度的紛擾偶爾承受些心酸這也是幸福秘訣的一部份幸福的秘訣你就要枯萎像是被關在黑暗中的花靈魂像被掏 ...

Tags: Tanya Chua, Just Say So, key to happiness, 蔡健雅tanya, 說到愛英文專輯singer-songwriter, MV, music video, 插畫, POPEN UP!, BLACK SHEEP, 金曲獎入圍

วันจันทร์ที่ 23 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

003 - Soccer Stadium

003 - Soccer Stadium[Video] Tube. Duration : 1.90 Mins.

Video submitted by: www.youtube.com Rules when submitting. 1. HDish Video. 2. Non-laggy. 3. Less than 5 mins long video. 4. Give me your Youtube page Link. Submission's Email MinecraftClip@yahoo.com If you missed other episodes. Click the link below! www.youtube.com ----------------------------- Follow Me: www.twitter.com Add me on Facebook: www.facebook.com How to build in Minecraft How to record in Minecraft How to survive in Minecraft Extra Tags: SSundee Machinima Respawn Realm sports minecraft pickaxe swords diamonds skeleton zombie creeper spider top 5 creations minecraft clip of the day recording house villa sticks wood planks cobblestone iron gold fire burn night day bacon nethers ghast

Tags: ssundee, Clip, of, the, day, Machinima, Respawn, Realm, burj, dubai, sports, minecraft, pickaxe, swords, diamonds, skeleton, zombie, creeper, spider, top, creations, recording, house, villa, sticks, wood, planks, cobblestone, iron, gold, fire, burn, night, bacon, nethers, ghast, Biggest, spaceship, uss, enterprise, starship, star, destroyer, Top5, yt:quality=high, alpha, notch

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 22 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Assassin's Creed Revelations Gameplay - Walkthrough Gameplay - Part 27 [HD] (X360/PS3)

Assassin's Creed Revelations Gameplay - Walkthrough Gameplay - Part 27 [HD] (X360/PS3)[Video] Tube. Duration : 11.95 Mins.

If you would like to buy Assassin's Creed: Revelations: amzn.to This is part 27 of an Assassin's Creed: Revelations gameplay walkthrough for the Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. Played on the XBOX 360. Let's Play Assassins Creed Revelations. In Assassin's Creed Revelations, master assassin Ezio Auditore walks in the footsteps of the legendary mentor Altair, on a journey of discovery and revelation. It is a perilous path -- one that will take Ezio to Constantinople, the heart of the Ottoman Empire, where a growing army of Templars threatens to destabilize the region. In addition to Ezio's award-winning story, a refined and expanded online multiplayer experience returns with more modes, more maps and more characters, allowing you to test your assassin skills against others from around the world. Hope you enjoy. Please rate and subscribe. Developer: Ubisoft Montreal Publisher: Ubisoft

Keywords: Assassins, Creed, Revelations, Assassins Creed Revelations, Assassin's, Walkthrough, Gameplay, Sequence 5, Part 27, Part, 27, Playthrough, Let's, Play, Trailer, Literal, Official, Ubisoft, Ezio

วันเสาร์ที่ 21 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Tips With Tmartn - Best MW3 Classes (Black Ops)

Tips With Tmartn - Best MW3 Classes (Black Ops)[Video] Video Clips. Duration : 8.28 Mins.

www.youtube.com Click here to watch Call of Duty: Black Ops: Tips with TmarTn Episode 7 - MW3 Gun Guide (BO Gameplay/Commentary) Tips with TmarTn Episode 8 - Best MW3 Classes (Black Ops Gameplay/Commentary) Episode 8 of my weekly series covering the best tips and tricks on the most recent games. In this video, we will be talking about some of the best classes under level 30 in Modern Warfare 3 The music in this video is constructed from "Rights Free" music volumes named Video Helper. The music is for commercial use. DIRECTOR'S CHANNEL: www.youtube.com DIRECTOR'S SOCIAL MEDIA: www.twitter.com www.facebook.com Visit the NEW Inside Gaming Blog bit.ly - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This Respawn video will show you: How to play Call of Duty: Black Ops How to play Modern Warfare 3 How to have a better k/d How to be good at COD - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Like Machinima Respawn on Facebook! facebook.com Enlist in the Respawn Army! therespawnarmy.com FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO www.youtube.com FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: www.youtube.com Tags: yt:quality=high "Call of Duty" "Black Ops" BlackOps Treyarch Activision UPC 047875840034 CoD "Hardened Edition" EAN "047875840225" Vietnam first-person shooter FPS Microsoft Xbox 360 X360 Sony "PlayStation 3" PS3 ...

Tags: yt:quality=high, Call, of, Duty, Black, Ops, blackops, Treyarch, Activision, UPC, 047875840034, cod, Hardened, Edition, EAN, 047875840225, Vietnam, first-person, shooter, FPS, Microsoft, Xbox, 360, X360, Sony, playstation, PS3, Windows, Vista, PC, Nintendo, Wii, DS, machinima, respawn, gameplay, commentary, how, to, tmartin, tips, tricks, guns, escalation, map, pack, dlc, annihilation, rush, search, destroy, snd, hangar, 18, blackbird, Shangri-La, Zombies, ballistic, knife, episode, ep, Modern, Warfare, MW3, Classes, pickle9000

วันศุกร์ที่ 20 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

[JoKwon] I'm Da One M/V

[JoKwon] I'm Da One M/V[Video] Tube. Duration : 5.70 Mins.

JoKwon 1st Solo Album 'I'm Da One' Music Video 조권 첫 번째 솔로 앨범 'I'm Da One' 뮤직비디오 download on itunes: bit.ly BigHit Entertainment

Tags: 조권, jokwon, Imdaone, 암다원, 2AM, solo, MV, kpop, 뮤직비디오

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 19 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

IGDaily - Adam and Billy's Infinite BioShock First Look - 5/23/11

IGDaily - Adam and Billy's Infinite BioShock First Look - 5/23/11[Video] Tube. Duration : 7.00 Mins.

www.youtube.com Click here to watch IGDaily 5/20/11! IGDaily - Adam and Billy's Infinite BioShock First Look - 5/23/11 FEAR 3, PSP on your PS3 and a BioShock Infinite First Look. Also Billy. PSP Remasters: blog.machinima.com BioShock First Look: blog.machinima.com Oblivion 5 year anniversary edition: blog.machinima.com Propaganda posters: blog.machinima.com FEAR 3 Trailer: www.youtube.com Mortal Kombat Rekap: www.youtube.com Red Faction: Armageddon Live Stream: machinimalive.com Sign up for the Inside Gaming Newsletter! http Check out the Inside Gaming Blog! blog.machinima.com Visit the Inside Gaming Facebook Page! www.facebook.com Follow Inside Gaming on Twitter! www.twitter.com In this video you will see... HOW TO Escape the Deer Vortex HOW TO Move on after the Rapture HOW TO Put Robots in their place - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima twitter.com Inside Gaming twitter.com Machinima Respawn twitter.com Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture twitter.com FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: www.youtube.com TAGS: yt:quality=high IGDaily Inside Gaming Daily "May 23" 2011 The Dead Pixel Adam Kovic Billy Shibley InsideGamingDaily.com "Best Video Ever" "Red Faction Armageddon" "E3 2011" News "PlayStation Portable" PSP ...

Keywords: igdaily, Inside, Gaming, Daily, May, 23, 2011, The, Dead, Pixel, Adam, Kovic, Billy, Shibley, insidegamingdaily.com, Best, Video, Ever, Red, Faction, Armageddon, E3, News, playstation, Portable, PSP, PS3, Bioshock, Infinite, Oblivion, 5th, Year, Anniversary, Elder, Scrolls, IV:, Game, Propaganda, Posters, Mortal, Kombat, Recap, Monday, FEAR, Multiplayer, Trailer, Faction:, Live, Stream, www.machinimalive.com, mw3, modern, warfare

วันพุธที่ 18 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

The Minecraft Files - The Minecraft Files #98: Automatic Cactus Farm (HD)

The Minecraft Files - The Minecraft Files #98: Automatic Cactus Farm (HD)[Video] Video Clips. Duration : 14.17 Mins.

I've received a few requests for this over the past few months so here it is! A working, automatic cactus farm! Simple and effective, just the way I like it! Let's make THE MINECRAFT FILES the most popular Minecraft series on YouTube! Leave as many LIKES and COMMENTS relating to the video content as possible!!! Texture Pack: bit.ly Contact me: fanmail@chimneyswift11.com Minecraft Files Intro Song: www.youtube.com _______________ My Other Channels ChimneyVlogs - www.youtube.com CS11Gaming - www.youtube.com CS11Scrolls - www.youtube.com Follow me on twitter: www.twitter.com LIKE on Facebook: facebook.com Q&A: www.youtube.com E-mail: fanmail@chimneyswift11.com

Tags: the, minecraft, files, the minecraft files, chimneyswift11, chimneyswift, chimney, swift, building, cactus, farm, automatic cactus farm, cacti, sand, shovel, digging, wooden, steps, water, survival, notch, adventure

วันอังคารที่ 17 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Machinima Respawn - What's Hawt at PAX! - 9/1/11

Machinima Respawn - What's Hawt at PAX! - 9/1/11[Video] Tube. Duration : 8.58 Mins.

www.youtube.com Click here to watch the previous episode of Machinima Respawn! Machinima Respawn - What's Hawt at PAX! - 9/1/11 (S02E80) Sark, Hutch & SeaNanners recap they're favorite games from PAX, just in time to hit CoD XP this weekend! Score a free copy of XBL Arcade game 'The Maw' by picking up Fruit Ninja at the link below! www.arcadesummer.com SEND US YOUR QUESTIONS! We'll answer as many as we can every Thursday! http Join the Respawn Army for a chance to attend Call of Duty XP with Machinima Respawn on September 2nd - 3rd! bit.ly This video shows: How to free to play How to fps How to mmo - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Like Machinima Respawn on Facebook! facebook.com Enlist in the Respawn Army! therespawnarmy.com FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO www.youtube.com FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: www.youtube.com Tags: Machinima Respawn Mr Sark Hutch Seananners Nanners Firefall Tribes Ascend Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City Dead Rising Off The Record Counter Strike Global Offensive Elder Scrolls Skyrim Blacklight Retribution Bethesda Game Studios dragons dual wield Red 5 MMO class based shooter Capcom zombies coop co-op cooperative Frank West photog photographer classic shooter competitive console free play retail downloadable PAX Prime what's hawt Nanners

Keywords: Machinima, Respawn, Mr, Sark, Hutch, Seananners, Nanners, Firefall, Tribes, Ascend, Resident, Evil, Operation, Raccoon, City, Dead, Rising, Off, The, Record, Counter, Strike, Global, Offensive, Elder, Scrolls, Skyrim, Blacklight, Retribution, Bethesda, Game, Studios, dragons, dual, wield, Red, MMO, class, based, shooter, Capcom, zombies, coop, co-op, cooperative, Frank, West, photog, photographer, classic, competitive, console, free, play, retail, downloadable, PAX, Prime, what's, hawt

วันจันทร์ที่ 16 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

[MV]ไม่รู้จะอธิบายยังไง - POTATO abounding adaptation (official)

[MV]ไม่รู้จะอธิบายยังไง - POTATO abounding adaptation (official)[Video] Tube. Duration : 7.85 Mins.

Full Version 7:30 นาที เวอร์ชั่นเต็ม Digital download *1230008 facebook.com/potatoband twitter.com/potatoband

Tags: ไม่รู้จะอธิบายยังไง, โปเตโต้, POTATO, subtitles, airsoft, official, official music, official video, paintball

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 15 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

RELAX Best CARIBBEAN BEACH #6 Ocean Waves Relaxing Nature Sounds for Studying Relax no spa music

RELAX Best CARIBBEAN BEACH #6 Ocean Waves Relaxing Nature Sounds for Studying Relax no spa music[Video] Tube. Duration : 9.98 Mins.

6 of 6 RELAX Best SUNSET ON A CARIBBEAN BEACH #6 Ocean Waves Relaxing Nature Sounds for Studying Relax no spa music Beach meditation hypnosis relaxation "go to sleep" or studying to study to playlist long sleep sleeping sleepy relaxation ≈ www.wavesdvd.com ≈ Relax Now. Visit our Channel. 8-)RELAX Best CARIBBEAN BEACH #6 Ocean Waves Relaxing Nature Sounds for Studying Relax Sleep Video hd BVI British Virgin Islands Virgin Gorda no music to study to playlist long sleepy video for sleeping Please, FAVORITE & SUBSCRIBE to both our channels. See 222+ Videos, A+ Channel Links, FREE iphone app and more on our main channel www.youtube.com • LOCATION / TRAVEL: Caribbean: Bahamas + Virgin Islands: USVI BVI • MUSIC: NONE - All natural ocean waves sounds • VIDEO: HD 720p with all natural OCEAN SOUNDS recorded 'live' on location. • Ocean WAVES video is from our Caribbean Daydreams DVD" NOTE- "Caribbean Daydreams with six 10 minute loopable scenes" is on side 2 of our "Florida Beaches" (side 1) DVD. Our normal DVDs have shots of about 1-3 minutes long. Produced by Greg Voevodsky. • NEW! - E-MAIL NOTIFICATIONS - SUBSCRIBE (or Re-Subscribe again) and CHOOSE to receive an E-MAIL NOTIFICATION every time we upload a new video so you won't miss a thing! • RECEIVE new "beach breaks" every Monday and/or Thursday. BOOKMARK our 2 channels: our main channel "WavesDVDcom" and our music video channel: "HDnatureTV." JOIN US ON: YOUTUBE: www.youtube.com FACEBOOK: apps.facebook.com TWITTER: twitter ...

Tags: Waves, Relaxing, Nature, Sounds, RELAX, Best, CARIBBEAN, BEACH, #6, Ocean, for, Studying, no, spa, music, Relaxing Sounds, meditation, hypnosis, relaxation, go to sleep, or, to, study, playlist, long, sleep, sleeping, sleepy, sunset, calm, noises, Nature Sounds, Ocean Sounds, nature sounds relaxing, ocean sounds relaxation

วันเสาร์ที่ 14 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Engineering Win - Black Ops - PC Player "Greg" - 01/18/11

Engineering Win - Black Ops - PC Player "Greg" - 01/18/11[Video] Tube. Duration : 10.73 Mins.

www.youtube.com Click here to watch Engineering Win w/ Hutch ::Halo Reach:: (BioHunta, KnightxofxLight, H3AsiiM, B3ndro, Syphax) S03E06 Engineering Win - Black Ops - PC Player "Greg" 01/18/11 S04E01 We kick off this season of Engineering Win featuring gameplay from PC player "Greg." Remember, from now on the gameplay will come from you guys and you guys alone, so I'll let you know how to submit gameplay when the time comes. Hutch's Channel - www.youtube.com Hutch's Twitter - www.twitter.com Dunkus' Channel - www.youtube.com Woody's Channel - www.youtube.com SK's Channel - www.youtube.com Sam's Channel - www.youtube.com Hastr0's Channel - www.youtube.com Music By Approaching Nirvana - www.youtube.com Click the following for another video from: Sam5000 - www.youtube.com Hastr0 - www.youtube.com Woodysgamertag - www.youtube.com Dunkus - www.youtube.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Follow Machinima on Twitter! Machinima twitter.com Inside Gaming twitter.com Machinima Respawn twitter.com Machinima Entertainment, Technology, Culture twitter.com FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: www.youtube.com Tags: yt:quality=high "Call of Duty" "Black Ops" BlackOps Treyarch Activision UPC 047875840034 CoD "Hardened Edition" EAN 047875840225 Vietnam first-person shooter ...

Keywords: Engineering, Win, Hutch, yt:quality=high, Call, of, Duty, Black, Ops, blackops, Treyarch, Activision, UPC, 047875840034, cod, Hardened, Edition, EAN, 047875840225, Vietnam, first-person, shooter, FPS, Microsoft, Xbox, 360, X360, Sony, playstation, PS3, Windows, Vista, PC, Nintendo, Wii, DS, machinima, respawn, gameplay, commentary, m16, enfield, by, joshght2, drift0r, euphorian, films, damage, drop, reload, range, silencer, flamethrower, movement, move, speed, ASP, ak74u, Mac11, pickle9000

วันศุกร์ที่ 13 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Mass Effect 3 - Gameplay Walkthrough: Story - Part 69 (X360/PS3/PC) [HD]

Mass Effect 3 - Gameplay Walkthrough: Story - Part 69 (X360/PS3/PC) [HD][Video] Video Clips. Duration : 22.80 Mins.

You can purchase Mass Effect 3 at: This is part sixty-nine of a complete gameplay walkthrough of Mass Effect 3 for the XBox 360, PS3, and PC. Played on the Xbox 360. Not everyone will survive. An ancient alien race, known only as "Reapers," has launched an all-out invasion leaving nothing but a trail of destruction in their wake. Earth has been taken, the galaxy is on the verge of total annihilation, and you are the only one who can stop them. The price of failure is extinction. You are Commander Shepard, a character that you can forge in your own image. You determine how events will play out, which planets to explore, and whom to form alliances with as you rally a force to eliminate the Reaper threat once and for all. How you wage this war is completely up to you: go into combat with guns blazing or use cover to plan a more tactical assault. Utilize your squad to full effect or take a lone wolf approach. Rain death from a distance or go toe-to-toe with enemies using devastating melee attacks. Mass Effect 3 will react to each decision you make as you play through a truly unique experience of your own creation. Developer: Bioware Publisher: EA Games

Keywords: Mass Effect 3, Mass, Effect, Mass Effect, Bioware, EA Games, EA, Gameplay, Walkthrough, Playthrough, Trailer, Review, Official, Let's Play, Preview, Guide, Release, Date, Ending, Multiplayer, Online, Opening, Game, Mission, Part, Character, Creation, Characters, PS3, XBOX 360, PC, Wii

วันพุธที่ 11 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Let's Play Normals - League of Legends - EP26 - SKARNER!!!

Let's Play Normals - League of Legends - EP26 - SKARNER!!![Video] Video Clips. Duration : 31.82 Mins.

Referral LoL Sign-up Link: signup.leagueoflegends.com Email: redmercyreferral@gmail.com First Milestone is 250! Reward is sub with most successful referrals till that point will do a duo commentary with me for Machinima! DONT FORGET TO WATCH IN HD AND SUBSCRIBE! Don't forget to comment, rate, and be subscribed to get a chance to get added on my friends list! Also do not forget to like me on FACEBOOK as that is where I also will announce when I am playing with subs! Facebook: www.facebook.com Check out my Udyr Tutorial on MachinimaRealm: www.youtube.com Check out my Akali video on MachinimaRealm: www.youtube.com Check out my Urgot video on MachinimaRealm: www.youtube.com Check out my Irelia video on MachinimaRealm: www.youtube.com Check out my Wukong video on MachinimaRealm: www.youtube.com Check out my Trolol video on MachinimaRealm: www.youtube.com Check out the previous game of this series: www.youtube.com My Stream: www.justin.tv Hope you enjoy and please sub rate and comment!!! :)

Keywords: yt:quality=high, League, of, Legends, mmo, rpg, mmorpg, massively, multiplayer, online, role, playing, game, multi-player, Clash, Fates, Riot, Games, machinima, realm, gameplay, commentary, tips, tricks, guide, summoners, rift, twisted, treeline, ten, moba, dota, hon, blc, udyr, animal, spirit, swain, miss, fortune, double, kills, redmercy, lol, jungle, jungling, tutorial, walkthrough, help, how, to, play, hd, karma, lets, normals, ep3, jarvan, brand, poppy, vayne, orianna, kass, urgot, lee, sin, anivia, twitch, pantheon, leona, shaco, wukong, yi, malzahar, skarnar

วันอังคารที่ 10 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

★ Kingdoms of Amalur - Rogue Let's Play #7, ft. Darnoc

★ Kingdoms of Amalur - Rogue Let's Play #7, ft. Darnoc[Video] Video Clips. Duration : 31.12 Mins.

Check out Darnoc's personal channel: www.youtube.com If you liked the video, throw us a thumbs up ^^ "Like" Darnoc on Facebook: www.facebook.com Subscribe to the show for free hugs! See the full show! ➜www.youtube.com Use the Shoutbox, Luke! ➜ tgn.tv Click "Like" and "Favorite" if you like this video. Helps us make more! Tell us what you think in the comments below. What is WAY➚? http How do I get more views on YouTube? tgn.tv ▲ TGN grew from 0-10 million in 5 months and shares how in this handbook! TGN Website ➜ tgn.tv Facebook ➜ http Twitter ➜ tgn.tv Google Group ➜ tgn.tv Google+ ➜ tgn.tv YouTube ➜ tgn.tv TGN servers live on the OneWire Cloud ➜ tgn.tv WAY➚ (We Are YouTube) ➜ tgn.tv

Keywords: kingdoms of amalur, let's play, reckoning, darnoc, rpg, playthrough, gaming, video game, role-playing game, playing, games, gameplay, walkthrough, origin, ea, electronic arts

วันจันทร์ที่ 9 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

[MV] A - Rainbow [Thai sub]

[MV] A - Rainbow [Thai sub][Video] Video Clips. Duration : 3.45 Mins.

อาจจะแปลผิดนะครับ เพราะว่า เนื้อร้องมึนๆ

Keywords: rainbow, thai, sub, mv, karaoke

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 8 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

林宥嘉Yoga Lin - 越反越愛Romeo and Juliet Syndrome [官方版HD] MV

林宥嘉Yoga Lin - 越反越愛Romeo and Juliet Syndrome [官方版HD] MV[Video] Video Clips. Duration : 4.65 Mins.

「白紙是我的立場,筆尖是我的頑強,我將問號用力寫下: "請給我一個不能相愛的理由"----越反越愛by 林宥嘉」 【線上音樂收聽】 KKBOX: kkbox.fm My music: www.ezpeer.com Omusic:music.fetnet.net 林宥嘉[大小說家]: www.him.com.tw 林宥嘉Facebook粉絲專頁: www.facebook.com 林宥嘉Google+ : goo.gl 華研官網: www.him.com.tw 給我一個不能相愛的理由... 第三波憾動主打「越反越愛」 在平靜到熱烈之間越唱越堅決華語搖滾新風貌尾段澎湃合唱化反為正林宥嘉的搖滾快歌一向帶給聽者迷幻卻又熱血的痛快感受,尤其現場演唱起來也總是會讓全場觀眾情緒跟著沸騰!全新專輯[大小說家]中,第三波主打歌曲「越反越愛」同樣也是一首澎湃熱血的歌曲,勢必又會成為一首讓全場聽眾大聲合唱的林式搖滾經典。 「越反越愛」是一首搖滾曲風的歌曲,在語氣音階、編曲都可嗅出這幾年,華語音樂在各式搖滾音樂中吸收、轉變之後展現的華語搖滾新風貌!由新生代創作人鄭楠作曲、姚若龍老師填詞,整首歌要表達的意思其實就像歌名一樣「越反越愛」,被分隔的愛情裡,請給我一個不能相愛/相聚/吶喊的理由... 歌曲的故事是在說追尋真愛的路上不管遇到什麼困難都要有一顆堅定的心,衝破限制與界線,勇敢去冒險追求真愛,因為愛情需要突破一切考驗之後才能獲得真實的擁抱。於是在編曲的鋪陳上也一路延續歌曲的中心思想,從第一段只有電吉他與歌聲solo,慢慢的加進鼓聲、貝斯、一直到弦樂出現,整首歌從平靜到熱烈之間越唱越堅決,最後尾段的澎湃合聲,更是將所有的反都化為正面的「堅定與勇敢」,雖然歌名叫「越反越愛」,最終想表達的其實就是追逐愛情時堅定不服輸的正面意象! 越反越愛詞:姚若龍曲:鄭楠編曲:韓立康被驅逐的天堂墜落的太陽被踐踏的夢想不屑求原諒我的倔強死命保護妳的倔強衝破了圍牆誰膚淺地叫嚷痛批太荒唐我同情 ...

Keywords: 越反越愛Romeo, and, Juliet, Syndrome, 林宥嘉Yoga, Lin, 大小說家姚若龍鄭楠神遊小巨蛋演唱會思凡himservice

วันศุกร์ที่ 6 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

[官方HQ]A-Lin 寂寞不痛(MV完整版)

[官方HQ]A-Lin 寂寞不痛(MV完整版)[Video] Video Clips. Duration : 4.98 Mins.

天生歌姬A-Lin的「擁抱系情歌」二部曲【寂寞不痛】 每一道傷痕都是紀念自己勇敢的印記。 在愛情裡,依然憧憬,繼續夢想,幸福其實離我們很近。 天生歌姬A-Lin2010全新大碟【寂寞不痛】12/24雙版本溫暖發行【天生歌姬A-Lin Facebook粉絲專頁】 www.facebook.com 作詞:姚若龍作曲:李榮浩你皮衣忘了帶走那是我們旅行的時候淋著大雪手暖手去買的什麼都總會舊的多麼苦澀無奈的心得卻沒選擇體諒地相信你只是愛累了絕不是有別的人替代我了連自己都想問我為什麼只抱抱你就放手像好好的其實心瓦解斑駁寂寞不痛痛在念舊越小的事越多的感受時間像笨小偷把幸福打破留下了碎片讓人難過寂寞不痛痛在做夢幻想當你自由膩了以後會來激動吻我用愛悔過做醒不來的夢什麼都總會舊的多麼苦澀無奈的心得卻沒選擇體諒地相信你只是愛累了絕不是有別的人替代我了連自己都想問我為什麼只抱抱你就放手像好好的其實心瓦解斑駁寂寞不痛痛在念舊越小的事越多的感受時間像笨小偷把幸福打破留下了碎片讓人難過寂寞不痛痛在做夢幻想當你自由膩了以後會來激動吻我用愛悔過做醒不來的夢寂寞不痛痛在念舊越小的事越多的感受時間像笨小偷把幸福打破留下了碎片讓人難過寂寞不痛痛在做夢幻想當你自由膩了以後會來激動吻我用愛悔過做醒不來的夢

Tags: A-Lin, 天生歌姬失戀無罪給我一個理由忘記寂寞不痛

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 5 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Classic Game Room - POKEMON NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION analysis for Nintendo DS

Classic Game Room - POKEMON NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION analysis for Nintendo DS[Video] Tube. Duration : 4.62 Mins.

Classic Game Room - POKEMON NOBUNAGA'S AMBITION review for Nintendo DS

Tags: Classic, Game, Room, POKEMON, NOBUNAGA'S, AMBITION, review, for, Nintendo, DS

วันพุธที่ 4 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

[Vietsub][MV] DAY BY DAY - T-ARA

[Vietsub][MV] DAY BY DAY - T-ARA[Video] Tube. Duration : 3.52 Mins.

Song: DAY BY DAY - T-ARA Vietsub Day By Day T-ara Vietsub Day By Day T-ara Vietsub Day By Day T-ara Day By Day Vietsub Day By Day Vietsub Day By Day Vietsub Day By Day T-ara "vietsub day by day" "day by day vietsub" "Day by Day tara vietsub" "Day by Day Mv" "vietsub mv day by day" "vietsub...

Keywords: vietsub day by day, day by day vietsub, Day by Day tara vietsub, Day by Day Mv, vietsub mv day by day, vietsub day by day t-ara, vietsub day by day live, vietsub t-ara, vietsub t-ara live, vietsub t-ara mv, vietsub, day, by, t-ara, mv

วันอังคารที่ 3 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

王力宏Wang Leehom 依然愛你Still In Love With You 官方完整版Official MV

王力宏Wang Leehom 依然愛你Still In Love With You 官方完整版Official MV[Video] Video Clips. Duration : 4.53 Mins.


Keywords: 1004, 王力宏依然愛你H264, Leehom, Wang

วันจันทร์ที่ 2 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555


【那些年,我們一起追的女孩】電影主題曲《那些年》官方正式MV[Video] Tube. Duration : 6.20 Mins.

【那些年,我們一起追的女孩】電影主題曲《那些年》 演唱:胡夏/作曲:木村充利/作詞:九把刀又回到最初的起點記憶中妳青澀的臉我們終於來到了這一天桌墊下的老照片無數回憶連結今天男孩要赴女孩最後的約又回到最初的起點呆呆地站在鏡子前笨拙繫上紅色領帶的結將頭髮梳成大人模樣穿上一身帥氣西裝等會兒見妳一定比想像美好想再回到那些年的時光回到教室座位前後故意討妳溫柔的罵黑板上排列組合妳捨得解開嗎誰與誰坐他又愛著她那些年錯過的大雨那些年錯過的愛情好想擁抱妳擁抱錯過的勇氣曾經想征服全世界到最後回首才發現這世界滴滴點點全部都是妳那些年錯過的大雨那些年錯過的愛情好想告訴妳告訴妳我沒有忘記那天晚上滿天星星平行時空下的約定再一次相遇我會緊緊抱著妳緊緊抱著妳

Keywords: 九把刀Giddens, 胡夏電影主題曲陳妍希鄢勝宇敖犬郝劭文蔡昌憲彎彎柯震東那些年我們一起追的女孩, You Are the Apple of My Eye, trailer, movie, film, 柯景騰沈佳宜胡家瑋許博淳曹國勝謝明和廖英宏

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 1 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2555

Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough - Part 30 Cerberus Cannon PS3 XBOX 360 PC (Gameplay / Commentary)

Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough - Part 30 Cerberus Cannon PS3 XBOX 360 PC (Gameplay / Commentary)[Video] Tube. Duration : 16.48 Mins.

Mass Effect 3 Walkthrough Part 1 Introduction & Opening Scene Reaper Invasion Let's Play PS3 XBOX 360 PC (Gameplay & Commentary) www.youtube.com Mass Effect 3 Gameplay Walkthrough! Walkthrough and Let's Play Playthrough of Mass Effect 3 Gameplay with Live Gameplay and Commentary on PS3 XBOX 360 and PC. My Twitter Page: twitter.com My Facebook Fan Page: on.fb.me

Tags: Mass, Effect, Walkthrough, Gameplay, Part, Commentary, Ending, Intro, Introduction, trailer, review, Opening, Xbox, 360, Let's, Play, Playthrough, Lets, Achievement, Guide, video, game, Mission, Playstation, ps3, Windows, PC, Bioware, EA, Electronic, Arts, UPC, 014633195842, 14633195859, 014633195835, Video Game, Games, Mass Effect 3 walkthrough, (video, Game), Playthrough Part, After, Gaming